ST13 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

ST13 6 is a postcode sector in Staffordshire Moorlands, UK. Below is a complete list of ST13 6 Postcodes (Active). ST13 6 postcode sector comprises of 174 active postcodes. ST13 6 sector has a population of 6047, and it has 2658 properties in the region.

Browse Information On ST13 6 postcode sector

ST13 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6047
Addresses / Property Count 2658
Active Postcodes 174
Nearby Postcode Districts 21
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of ST13 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 174 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
ST13 6AA 53.11135600 -2.00925100 N/A N/A 399478 357130
ST13 6AB 53.10678700 -2.02560700 1 1 398383 356622
ST13 6AD 53.10678700 -2.02524800 N/A N/A 398407 356622
ST13 6AF 53.10808200 -2.02091700 17 30 398697 356766
ST13 6AG 53.10804600 -2.02003600 38 72 398756 356762
ST13 6AH 53.10793000 -2.01762800 12 26 398917 356749
ST13 6AJ 53.10765100 -2.02141000 6 6 398664 356718
ST13 6AL 53.10803700 -2.02157400 6 16 398653 356761
ST13 6AN 53.10858600 -2.02108200 11 19 398686 356822
ST13 6AP 53.10925100 -2.02009600 7 18 398752 356896
ST13 6AQ 53.10781300 -2.01967700 8 10 398780 356736
ST13 6AS 53.10886400 -2.02114100 4 8 398682 356853
ST13 6AT 53.11031200 -2.01961800 16 45 398784 357014
ST13 6AU 53.10976300 -2.01899100 N/A N/A 398826 356953
ST13 6AW 53.10898100 -2.02003600 15 27 398756 356866
ST13 6AX 53.11081500 -2.01993200 25 44 398763 357070
ST13 6AY 53.11066200 -2.01824400 8 22 398876 357053
ST13 6AZ 53.11076100 -2.01803500 3 6 398890 357064
ST13 6BA 53.11092300 -2.01820000 26 55 398879 357082
ST13 6BB 53.11133700 -2.01845400 24 45 398862 357128
ST13 6BD 53.10663400 -2.02451400 5 6 398456 356605
ST13 6BE 53.11073400 -2.01737500 14 26 398934 357061
ST13 6BG 53.11044700 -2.01637700 21 49 399001 357029
ST13 6BH 53.11182200 -2.01594200 37 68 399030 357182
ST13 6BJ 53.11089600 -2.01613800 15 22 399017 357079
ST13 6BL 53.10532300 -2.01794300 N/A N/A 398896 356459
ST13 6BN 53.11640800 -2.00769900 N/A N/A 399582 357692
ST13 6BP 53.11193000 -2.01506300 3 5 399089 357194
ST13 6BQ 53.11142700 -2.01642200 14 25 398998 357138
ST13 6BS 53.11167900 -2.01540600 8 13 399066 357166
ST13 6BT 53.11151700 -2.01361400 16 46 399186 357148
ST13 6BU 53.11115700 -2.01400200 26 58 399160 357108
ST13 6BW 53.11246100 -2.01642200 N/A N/A 398998 357253
ST13 6BX 53.11165200 -2.01412200 10 22 399152 357163
ST13 6BY 53.11101400 -2.01252300 20 41 399259 357092
ST13 6BZ 53.11043800 -2.01458400 49 110 399121 357028
ST13 6DA 53.10874800 -2.01497200 20 43 399095 356840
ST13 6DB 53.10962900 -2.01607500 23 51 399021 356938
ST13 6DD 53.11710000 -2.01016400 N/A N/A 399417 357769
ST13 6DF 53.11000600 -2.01796000 16 31 398895 356980
ST13 6DH 53.10717400 -2.02235100 28 45 398601 356665
ST13 6DJ 53.11470000 -2.00822100 N/A N/A 399547 357502
ST13 6DL 53.10672500 -2.02106600 4 6 398687 356615
ST13 6DN 53.10801800 -2.02397700 1 2 398492 356759
ST13 6DP 53.10754200 -2.02348600 N/A N/A 398525 356706
ST13 6DQ 53.10784100 -2.00857600 N/A N/A 399523 356739
ST13 6DR 53.10756000 -2.02517100 N/A N/A 398412 356708
ST13 6DS 53.10695800 -2.02281300 9 25 398570 356641
ST13 6DW 53.10729100 -2.02368000 N/A N/A 398512 356678
ST13 6DY 53.10726400 -2.02266200 2 5 398580 356675
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